Tell me, where did ideas come from before Pinterest?
I saw a pin for this project and said to myself, my wall must have these!
It was surprisingly quick and easy to put together, and I just happened to have everything needed to make it happen: a map, some mod podge, a small piece of plywood, a jigsaw, and some hooks.
First I created templates for three nesting chevrons, a smaller set for the map portion, and a slightly larger set for the wood. I traced the smaller set onto my world map.
If you want to duplicate this project, you can download the chevron templates here.
Next I cut them out. Although terribly wrinkly from the folds in the map, they came out quite seamless after being glued to the wood.
The next step was to trace the larger set of chevrons onto the wood. (The largest of the templates don’t fit on a single sheet of paper so you have to trace one half, and then rotate it to complete the chevron.)
Next, I cut out the chevrons with a jigsaw.
I made sure that the hooks I attached to the back sides were aligned horizontally, and directly down the centre of each chevron.
I applied a thin layer of mod podge to the front of each wood piece before laying the maps in place.
Once they were dry, I applied an additional layer of podge on top to seal the maps.
I do love the bright splash of blue they add to my growing wall of ideas found on Pinterest.